
Bluestacks 5 safe
Bluestacks 5 safe

bluestacks 5 safe

However, we cannot guarantee the safety of our emulator when you download it from any other source.”Īnother reason users have safety concerns about Bluestacks is that it requires disabling antivirus protection during the installation process.

bluestacks 5 safe

Therefore, installing Bluestacks won’t harm your Mac or Windows computer – as long as you download it from their website!īluestacks states, “ When downloaded from official sources, such as our website, Bluestacks does not have any sort of malware or malicious programs. when an antivirus wrongly identifies a legitimate process or file as malware.

bluestacks 5 safe

The short answer: yes! Bluestacks might be detected as a threat by some anti-virus software like McAfee and Avast, but it turns out these malware detections are false positives, i.e.

Bluestacks 5 safe